Anelis Coscioni - Executive Director
Anelis Coscioni worked together with the Soroptimist Club of Sioux Falls to start the Toy Lending Library in 2015, after learning about the need. Several families in the Downtown area of Sioux Falls didn’t have toys for their children to play and learn. The former veterinarian from Brazil loves to meet the caregivers and children that comes through the nonprofit doors. She loves that she gets to work side by side with an incredible team and she loves to interact will all the AWESOME TLL volunteers!
When she’s not at the Toy Library, Anelis spends time enjoying her family, Jorge and Anita, their friends, their two Beagles, their chickens and gardening.
Our Board of Directors
Lisa Sanderson- President of the Board
Lisa has served as the CDC’s Act Early Ambassador to South Dakota since March 2018. She is the Project Director for the statewide Family to Family Health Information Center at SD Parent Connection, also home to the state’s Parent Training Information Center. Lisa has worked with systems and families across South Dakota for over 20 years, served two terms on the state’s Part C Interagency Coordinating Council, and serves as the LEND Family Discipline Head for the state’s UCED. Lisa has a Bachelor of Science degree, maintains licensure by the SD Board of Social Work Examiners, and was a certified educator for many years. Lisa is a parent of three and grandparent of five, and checks out TLL toy boxes when the little ones visit!

Brett Anderson- Vice President of the Board
Born and raised in Sioux Falls, I attended Lincoln High School followed by Augustana College, graduating in 2013. I’ve been in banking for 10+ years, and the last two being at First Western Bank & Trust holding the position of VP Commercial Lender. I’ve been married to my wife Emma for 4 years and we just had our first son, Jake, in March of 2023. We enjoy traveling, spending time at the lake, and bringing Jake on new adventures. We also have a 120 lb Great Pyreness, Kona, who keeps us busy as well!

Tami Prostrollo- Board Treasurer
Passionate about serving the community, I have a strong background in financial management and nonprofit leadership. As Administrative Director at First United Methodist Church, I oversee finance and facilities. My experience on boards such as Church on the Street, Eat Well Mobile Market, and Sioux Falls Thrive has equipped me to contribute to the Toy Lending Library's mission of providing accessible play opportunities for all children.
Lacey Askeland- Board Secretary
Lacey Askeland first became involved with the Toy Lending Library after checking out toy boxes for her two daughters. She was inspired by the organization’s mission to provide free educational toys to local children, and she currently volunteers once a week cleaning and sanitizing toys. Lacey has a B.A. in French and English from Kenyon College in Ohio, and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Iowa. She is passionate about education, and she loves that the Toy Lending Library provides young children with so many different invitations to imagine, learn, and explore.

Lisa Martin- Board Member
Lisa Martin is the director of the Madison Public Library. She has six children, a husband, and a cat (but not necessarily in that order). When not at work, Lisa reads, does laundry, or runs. So far she has always come back home.

Stephen Corsi- Board member
Stephen Corsi is the Vice President of Customer Acquisition Marketing at PREMIER Bankcard/First PREMIER Bank in Sioux Falls. Stephen is a seasoned marketing professional with an extensive career working with many well-known financial services companies and technology brands. Stephen recently moved to South Dakota with his wife and two young children, and is an advocate for Toy Lending Library because of the important service it provides to the community, enabling young children the opportunity to enhance their learning development through play.
Celeste Uthe- Burow- Board Member
Celeste Uthe-Burow is currently working as a professor at Augustana University. She teaches in the School of Education. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) and is currently waiting her certificate as a Registered Play Therapist (RPT) has completed the hours and supervision necessary for the designation. Her background includes 32 years as an educator and administrator with the Sioux Falls Public School District. She has served as a 1st, 2nd, and 5th-grade teacher, as well as having worked as an elementary school principal and Student Support Services Administrator for Student Support Services.
Celeste works with children and is extremely impressed and thankful for the Toy Lending Library. The value it provides for our community is unending!

Amanda Larson- Board Member

Rhonda Kludt- Board Member
Rhonda attended SDSU and graduated from Black Hills State University with a major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Development. She taught Kindergarten and Preschool at St. Martin Catholic School for 19 years and was named the SD Catholic Teacher of the Year in 1997. She was the Executive Director of the United Way Heartland Region for 20 years and partnered with like minded organizations to create a Community Impact United Way that brought the Preschool Partnership Program, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program, the Supplemental Food Backpack Program, Day of Caring and Day of Action to our community as well as the Student United Way-Huron Youth Leadership Council. She was the recipient of the 2009 and 2023 Associated School Boards SD Community Service Award to Public Education,the 2010 Sertoma Service to Mankind Award, the 2010 Community Counseling Service Friends Award, the 2011 Chamber Distinguished Civic Service Award and the 2017 SHE Community Service & Humanitarian Award and she was named the 2023 Huron Chamber Volunteer of the Year. Rhonda currently serves on the board of directors for People’s Transit, the Huron Community Foundation and the Huron School District Foundation. She serves on the Statewide Family Engagement Center Advisory Board and is the coordinator for the Huron School District Preschool Partnership Program and a member of P.E.O. Chapter F. She and her husband Doug were recently awarded the SD Community Foundation Hometown Hero Award. They have two children, Rachel (Levi) Kary, who is employed by the Huron School District and Thomas, who is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair. They love spending time with their grandsons, Leo and Connor.